Ruiz Manuel View larger

Ruiz Manuel

Buy your bullfight tickets to see Ruiz Manuel  bullfighter in all fairs and bullrings where Ruiz Manuel  fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.

*Photo: web Ruiz Manuel.

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Bullfighter Ruiz Manuel 

Birth Day:  On September  5, 1971 Almeria.

Public debut: On October  11, 1987 in Gádor

Debuted with bullfighter assistants: On July 21, 1991 in Aranjuez.

History: He stands for the first time in front of a heifer to 9. Creator and organizer of the Festival to benefit the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Almería since 2002. He made a break in his career to finish her studies and now returns to bullfighting as it is his passion since he was born.