Octavio Chacón Garrido View larger

Octavio Chacón Garrido

Buy your bullfight tickets to see Octavio Chacón Garrido bullfighter in all fairs and bullrings where Octavio Chacón Garrido fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.

*Photos: Plaza 1.

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Bullfighter Octavio Chacón Garrido

Birth Day: On  03/06/1984  inPrado  del Rey Cadiz

Public debut: 11  October  1998

Light debuted:

Debuted with bullfighter assistants: 14 de May 2001 in Algeciras

Debut in Ventas:

Alternative:  28 de February 2004  confirmed  19 de August 2012 in Madrid 

Award Bullfighter Revelation in San Isidro Fair 2018.