José Manuel Mas Sanz View larger

José Manuel Mas Sanz

Buy your bullfight tickets to see José Manuel Mas Sanz bullfighter in all fairs and bullrings where José Manuel Mas Sanz fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.
*Photo: Las Virtudes.

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Bullfihter José Manuel Mas Sanz

Birth Day: On May 23, 1989 Navalcarnero, in Madrid
Public debut: On December 12, 2003.
Debuted with bullfighter assistants: On March 18, 2007 in Navalcarnero Madrid.
Alternative: On May, 13 2010 in Madrid.
His first contact with the world of bullfighting was with only 10 years, where bullfighting some calves.
With 12 years he entered the school of bullfighting Marcial Lalande de Madrid, reaching turn one of the most outstanding students. It first debuted in 2003, with picks in 2007 where short 3 ears. In 2008 has its first bullfight at Las Ventas, Madrid. In May 2010 began his career as matador, where it takes the alternative in sales. In 2011, it makes paseíllo three times, but because of the crisis in Spain, is forced to emigrate to America where it becomes one of the most sought bullfighters, especially in Colombia. This year will see him several Spanish plazas.