
Bullfighting tradition in the province of Valencia is very rich and extensive, with ancestral roots in the  streets of its various locations; in fact, it is one of the most popular celebrations celebrated throughout the year. But also its bullring hosts important major celebrations.

The first major fair of the Spanish season also takes place in Valencia: Las Fallas.

Which towns in Valencia celebrate bullfights?

There are many Valencian enclaves to enjoy our bullfighting passion, but we can highlight the Setmana de Bous dAlgemesí, one of the most important and serious steer-bullfighting fairs in our country; the bullfights in Boicairent Bullring, the oldest in the Valencian Community; the Fair of the Virgen del Carmen of Gandía; the famous and traditional Harvest Festival of the vintner Requena; the Virgen del Remedio in the recovered Bullring of Utiel; the Xàtiva August Fair...and, of course, the steer-bullfights and bullfights of Fallas, Virgen de los Desamparados, July Fair and Community Fair in the Bullring of Valencia.

When does the Valencia Bullring season begin?

Valencia begins the season with Fallas Fair, the most important in the entire province and the first mountain pass of the Spanish season, since it is the first fair in the first category bullring of the Spanish calendar. In May there is a bullfight to celebrate the feast of the patroness, the Virgin of the Helpless; in July the second big event arrives, San Jaime Fair or the July Fair; and in October the season closes with the mini Community Fair, around day 9.

Programming bullfights in the province of Valencia

  • March, Fallas in Valencia; bullfights, bullfights and bullfights.

  • May, Virgin of the Helpless in Valencia and Bocairent.

  • July, San Jaime Fair in Valencia; bullfights and bullfights. Carmen Fair in Gandía.

  • August, Xativa Fair.

  • September, Requena Harvest Fair. Fair of the Virgen del Remedio in Utiel, Algemesí.

  • October, Community Fair in Valencia; bullfights.

Although the dates are yet to be confirmed, you can now book tickets for your favorite celebrations in Valencia with Servitoro [email protected].

Bullfighting tradition in the province of Valencia is very rich and extensive, with ancestral roots in the  streets of its various locations; in fact, it is one of the most popular celebrations celebrated throughout the year. But also its bullring hosts important major celebrations.

The first major fair of the Spanish season also takes place in Valencia: Las Fallas.

Which towns in Valencia celebrate bullfights?

There are many Valencian enclaves to enjoy our bullfighting passion, but we can highlight the Setmana de Bous dAlgemesí, one of the most important and serious steer-bullfighting fairs in our country; the bullfights in Boicairent Bullring, the oldest in the Valencian Community; the Fair of the Virgen del Carmen of Gandía; the famous and traditional Harvest Festival of the vintner Requena; the Virgen del Remedio in the recovered Bullring of Utiel; the Xàtiva August Fair...and, of course, the steer-bullfights and bullfights of Fallas, Virgen de los Desamparados, July Fair and Community Fair in the Bullring of Valencia.

When does the Valencia Bullring season begin?

Valencia begins the season with Fallas Fair, the most important in the entire province and the first mountain pass of the Spanish season, since it is the first fair in the first category bullring of the Spanish calendar. In May there is a bullfight to celebrate the feast of the patroness, the Virgin of the Helpless; in July the second big event arrives, San Jaime Fair or the July Fair; and in October the season closes with the mini Community Fair, around day 9.

Programming bullfights in the province of Valencia

  • March, Fallas in Valencia; bullfights, bullfights and bullfights.

  • May, Virgin of the Helpless in Valencia and Bocairent.

  • July, San Jaime Fair in Valencia; bullfights and bullfights. Carmen Fair in Gandía.

  • August, Xativa Fair.

  • September, Requena Harvest Fair. Fair of the Virgen del Remedio in Utiel, Algemesí.

  • October, Community Fair in Valencia; bullfights.

Although the dates are yet to be confirmed, you can now book tickets for your favorite celebrations in Valencia with Servitoro [email protected].


On sale

  • Bulls Valencia Fallas

    The Fair of Fallas opens the season in the Bullring of Valencia. It is the first major fair in maximum category bullring and, therefore, the showcase for the rest of the bullfighting calendar. Bullfighters and steer-bullfighters arrive very prepared and looking for the triumph to start.

    When are the Fallas celebrated?

    The Fallas are celebrated by the festival of San José. They start with the ‘plantà’ (when all the ‘fallas’ are put on) on March 15 and end with the ‘cremà’ on the 19th, the night they burn.

    Fallas Fair 2025

    The Bullfighting Fair of Valencia, however, begins almost a week before the official Fallas festivities; it is usually held between March 9 and 19 and usually consists of a steer-bullfight without horses, two steer-bullfights, eight bullfights and a bullfight on horseback.

    Why are the Fallas of Valencia so famous?

    Declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016, the Fallas are one of the best known festivities in our country. Valencia is a cosmopolitan city and every year tourists from all over the world come to contemplate the works of art that are the ‘ninots’ that make up the ‘fallas’ and celebrate their burning.

    The Fallas have their origin in the 18th-century carpentry workshops that, for the feast of their patron Saint Joseph, burned their old junk. Over time those piles were taking satirical forms until what we know today.

    The Bullfighting Fair is also the first major challenge of the Spanish season. The first long fair, with all the figures, the young promises and the most important fighting-bull ranches. The company Simón Casas Production manages the Valencian bullring and every year bets on the best posters for Fallas.

    Bullfighting Program of the Fallas Fair 2025

    Dates: Fair is likely to take place in March; steer-bullfights without horses, steer-bullfights, bullfights and bullfights on horseback.

    How to buy tickets for bulls in Valencia?

    It's very simple, select your preferred locations on our website and we manage the rest. Receive your tickets comfortably between two and four days before the date where you indicate.

    If you have doubts, write to [email protected] or call us at +34 963308593 (Monday-Friday, 9.00 am - 6.00 pm).

  • Bulls Valencia Fallas - Popular Celebration

    Bullfight tickets to Valencia bullring. Fallas fair - Popular bullfighting festivals. Fast and secure  online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule in Valencia bullring, to program a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:    

    • Fallas - Popular bullfighting festivals: March.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices.

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Valencia bullring.

  • Bulls Valencia

    Tickets bulls for all organized bullfights in the Bullring of Valencia. Bullfights are held throughout all the  year. Fallas Fair, La Virgen de los Desamparados, San Jaime Fair or July Fair and Comunidad de Valencia. All the information about bullfighting, bullfighters and bullring of Valencia. The most important bullfights in the bullring in Valencia are held during the Fallas festivals.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule in Valencia bullring, to programm bullfight with your visit dates 2025:  

    • Fallas

    • Virgen de Los Desamparados

    • Saint Jaime

    • Valencia conmunity

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Valencia: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Valencia Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Valencia. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order. 

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Valencia bullring.

Comming soon

  • Bulls Algemesí

    Tickets bulls for all organized bullfights in the Bullring of Algemesí. Bullfights are held throughout September. Bous Fair. All the information about bullfighting,  bullfighters and bullring of Algemesí. 

    Check the official bullfighting schedule in Algemesí bullring, to programm bullfight with your visit dates 2025:  

    • Bous Fair: September.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Algemesí: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Algemesí Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Algemesí. Once we have the tickets on sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order. 
    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at +34 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday).

    Servitoro, box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Algemesí bullring.

  • Bulls Bocairent

    Bullring of Bocairent, Valencia. Festival of Bocairent 2025. Bocairent is to 100 km from Valencia (1  hour driving from Valencia). How to get here | Driving Direction.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule to match a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:

    • Bullfighting festival in honor to Virgen de los desamparados: April.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Bocairent: You my book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bocairent Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Bocairent. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order.

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Bocairent bullring.

  • Bulls Gandía

    Tickets bulls for all organized bullfights in the Bullring of Gandía, Valencia. Virgen del Carmen Festival of  Gandía in July. All the information about bullfighting, bullfighters and bullring of Gandía. Gandía is located 69 kilometres from Valencia Center. How to get to Gandía. 

    Check the official bullfighting schedule to match a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:

    • July. Virgen del Carmen Festival.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Gandia: You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Gandia Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Gandia. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order. 

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Gandia bullring.

  • Bulls Requena

    Bullfight tickets to Requena, all bullfights organized in the bullring of Requena. Bullfighting Festivals 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Requena is to 67,2 km from Valencia (48 minutes' drive from Valencia). How to get here | Driving Direction.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule in Requena bullring, to program a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:    

    • Bullfighting Festivals: September.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices.

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Requena bullring (Valencia).

  • Bulls Utiel

    Bullfight tickets to Utiel, all bullfights organized in the Bullring of Utiel. 163th anniversary of the  bullring: April. Feria y Fiestas Virgen del Rosario in September 2025. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data. Utiel is to 81,2 km from Valencia (58 minutes' drive from Valencia). How to get here | Driving Direction.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule at Utiel bullring, to program a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:  

    • Virgen del Rosario Festivities: September 

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting event : You may book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. To gain access to the bullring, you must collect your tickets on the day of the show in the bullring box office from 11:00 am until 5 minutes before show time. Charges a fixed cost of 8€ per ticket VAT included.

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at La Utielana bullring.

  • Bulls Xátiva

    Bullfight Tickets to Xátiva for all organized bullfights in the Bullring of Xátiva, Valencia. Festival of Xátiva August 2025. Xátiva is to 61,9 km from Valencia (48 minutes' drive from Valencia). How to get here | Driving Direction.

    Check the official bullfighting schedule to match a bullfight with your visit dates 2025:

    • Bullfighting fair: August.

    Request information and advance tickets booking for all bullfighting events in Xátiva: You my book in advance and be the first to purchase tickets to any event at the Xátiva Bullring. Servitoro delivery service offers the User the opportunity to acquire the tickets in a safe and easy manner from his/her home address, avoiding long queues before ticket offices. Complete the request information about Xátiva. Once we have the tickets On sale, we send you a booking confirmation e-mail for make your definitive order. 

    If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 9:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)

    Servitoro, Official Box office of bullfighting tickets sales at Xátiva, Valencia bullring.