Lama de Góngora View larger

Lama de Góngora

Buy your bullfight tickets to see Francisco Lama de Góngora bullfighter in all fairs and bullrings where Lama de Góngora fight this season 2016. Official sale of bullfight tickets.

*Photo: Opinionytoros

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Bullfighter Lama de Góngora

Birth date: Sevilla, September 23, 1992

Debut:  "Novillero"(novice). Olivenza, March de 2013

Alternativa: (Is a ceremony in which a bullfighter authorizes a novice to take his place among the doctorate bullfighters).

Confirmation:  (It's when the bullfighter confirms his "alternativa" or doctorate).

Bullfighting School Student in Seville opened the door of the Prince as an apprentice without biting.