Choose the city where you would like to see the bulls. You can help this map where are marked with the symbol of Servitoro the nearest Fairs.
Completely personalized service: easy, comfortable and secure system. You also have the guarantee of an official service.
A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Choose the city where you would like to see the bulls. You can help this map where are marked with the symbol of Servitoro the nearest Fairs.
Completely personalized service: easy, comfortable and secure system. You also have the guarantee of an official service.
A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Alicante. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official tickets sales for all bullrings in Ávila, Arenas de San Pedro, Candeleda, La Adrada, Navaluenga. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Badajoz: Badajoz, Olivenza, Zafra, Don Benito and more. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official tickets sales for all bullrings in Cadiz. El Puerto, Jerez de la Frontera, El Bosque, Los Barrios, Olvera, San Roque, San Fernando, Tarifa, Ubrique, Villaluenga del Rosario, Alcalá de los Gazules. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Cantabria. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals in Santander, Santoña Ampuero. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Castellón. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Córdoba. Cabra, Lucena, Montoro, Pozoblanco, Palma del Río, Priego de Córdoba. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Guadalajara. Brihuega. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Granada. Motril, Atarfe, Granada, Baza,Huétor, Tájar, Guadix and Ugijar. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Huelva, Aracena, Niebla, Almonte. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in La Rioja: Logroño, Calahorra, Arnedo, Haro y Alfaro. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Madrid is one of the provinces that more bullfights offers throughout the year. The great bullfights of Las Ventas Bullring are joined by many other locations with major bullfights and popular ones. Madrid also has the honor and responsibility of starting the bullfighting season in Spain.
The bullfighting calendar of the Community of Madrid begins, as usual, with bulls in Ajalvir, the first bullfighting fair of the Spanish season. The Madrid town has the honor of starting the bullfighting year braving the winter.
It will continue with bulls in the covered bullring of Valdemorillo and its Candelaria Fair. Bullfights in Madrid mark, therefore, the beginning of the season.
Madrid capital kicks off at Vistalegre Bullring, located in the Carabanchel district. The Winter Fair, held on the last weekend of February, brings the first bullfight to the big city and the public flocks to the Palacio Vistalegre to start with an exciting list.
But there is much more; throughout the year we can enjoy bulls in Aranjuez in spring and summer, with the traditional ‘Motín’ Bullfight; bulls in San Sebastián de los Reyes with their corresponding ‘encierros’ that are one of the most important in our country, bulls in Colmenar Viejo on the occasion of the Remedies Fair and its great celebrations in La Corredera, bulls in Las Rozas...
Bulls in the Community of Madrid are a very important part of the cultural offer and we bring you all closer! Do not miss this great show on your visit to Madrid.
When we talk about Málaga, we can’t avoid thinking about bulls, La Malagueta and its great August Fair; but also in the monumental bullringsaround the province and the bullfighting schools that their towns have lodged.
Málaga is one of the areas of greatest tourist influx in our country and bullfighting, of course, one of its great and beautiful claims.
The majority of bullfighting celebrations that take place in the province of Málaga are concentrated in the summer season. However, traditionally the Málaga bullfighting calendar has begun on Resurrection Sunday in La Malagueta, with a luxury poster that makes the date an essential bullfight in the capital.
In summer we can choose between the Major Festivals of Estepona or the atmosphere of the Fuengirola Night Bullfight; The Fair of Málaga is essential, with many posters to choose from and the annual Corrida Picassiana event. September begins with one of the most traditional fairs in Spain, that of Pedro Romero and its traditional Goyesca in Ronda.
October dismisses the season with the famous Villanueva del Rosario festival in honor of its Virgin.
Although the dates are not confirmed, you can fill out the reservation request and we will send you information about bullfighting in Málaga preferentially.
Undoubtedly Seville province is one of the great cradles of bullfighting, both for owning its capital one of the oldest and most important bullring, that of the ‘Real Maestranza de Caballería’ of Seville, as for the bullfights in the rest of the province, the important quarry of bullfighters and the amount of fighting-bull livestock grazing in their wild field. Bulls in Seville are one of the mainstays of its culture.
However, we can enjoy different bullfighting celebrations throughout the province during the bullfighting calendar and, in fact, Seville is one of the early risers at the beginning of the Spanish season, coinciding with February 28, Andalusia Day. Bullfighting festivals in Alcalá del Río, Cantillana, Cazalla, Dos Hermanas or Écija; bullfights in Espartinas, the Osuna May Fair, bullfights in Guillena for September...Bullfights in Seville are distributed throughout the bullfighting year and we have many options to enjoy Spanish art and tradition.
The April Fair is the main bullfight poster in Seville, but at the Maestranza the season begins on Resurrection Sunday. After the fair arrive the steer-bullfights of May and June, the contest of promotional steer-bullfights without horses in July, the crowded San Miguel Fair in September and the classic closing of the season of October 12.
Feria de Abril
Can I book my tickets? Yes! In Servitoro we put at your disposal all the tickets for bullfighting in Seville. Early booking by registering your e-mail on the page of the bullfight that interests you. We take care of providing you with the best seats.
Doubts? In +34 963308593 and in the mail [email protected] we solve them (Monday-Friday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm).
Toledo bullfight tickets, all the information on the bullfights and bullfights in the province of Toledo. Toledo bullring, with its El Corpus festival, as well as the bullrings of Consuegra with its patron saint festival of Stmo. Cristo de la Vera Cruz, Añover del Tajo, without forgetting Illescas, Navamorcuende, Talavera de la Reina and Mora. Buy your tickets in advance.
Bullfighting tradition in the province of Valencia is very rich and extensive, with ancestral roots in the streets of its various locations; in fact, it is one of the most popular celebrations celebrated throughout the year. But also its bullring hosts important major celebrations.
The first major fair of the Spanish season also takes place in Valencia: Las Fallas.
There are many Valencian enclaves to enjoy our bullfighting passion, but we can highlight the Setmana de Bous d’Algemesí, one of the most important and serious steer-bullfighting fairs in our country; the bullfights in Boicairent Bullring, the oldest in the Valencian Community; the Fair of the Virgen del Carmen of Gandía; the famous and traditional Harvest Festival of the vintner Requena; the Virgen del Remedio in the recovered Bullring of Utiel; the Xàtiva August Fair...and, of course, the steer-bullfights and bullfights of Fallas, Virgen de los Desamparados, July Fair and Community Fair in the Bullring of Valencia.
Valencia begins the season with Fallas Fair, the most important in the entire province and the first mountain pass of the Spanish season, since it is the first fair in the first category bullring of the Spanish calendar. In May there is a bullfight to celebrate the feast of the patroness, the Virgin of the Helpless; in July the second big event arrives, San Jaime Fair or the July Fair; and in October the season closes with the mini Community Fair, around day 9.
March, Fallas in Valencia; bullfights, bullfights and bullfights.
May, Virgin of the Helpless in Valencia and Bocairent.
July, San Jaime Fair in Valencia; bullfights and bullfights. Carmen Fair in Gandía.
August, Xativa Fair.
September, Requena Harvest Fair. Fair of the Virgen del Remedio in Utiel, Algemesí.
October, Community Fair in Valencia; bullfights.
Although the dates are yet to be confirmed, you can now book tickets for your favorite celebrations in Valencia with Servitoro [email protected].
The province of Valladolid has a wide tradition and bullfighting culture.In the sixteenth century bullfighting celebrations were already consolidated for example in Medina del Campo. The great diversity ofbullfighting shows celebrated and the centenary thi that it hosts are one of the tourism claims.
The most important bullring is in the capital and its main fair is Our Lady of San Lorenzo . The city of Valladolid also celebrates its patron, San Pedro Regalado, with an outstanding appointment in the bullfighting calendar.
Two towns in Valladolid have very comfortable and modern bullrings, such as Arroyo de la Encomienda and Íscar. The Bullring of La Flecha, in Arroyo, is one of the first to start the season with a great festival. In Íscar , bull runs and bullfights of its Popular Festivities are essential.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Zaragoza. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data
Bullfight Tickets A Coruña, Bullring The Coliseum. Traditional Fair of Maria Pita that also for the same dates, the population can enjoy the "Feria del libro Antiguo", Feria de la Artesanía, Habaneras festival among others. Home delivery.
Albacete, Tarazona de la Mancha, Villarrobledo, Casas Ibañez, Hellin bullfights, popular festivities, bullfighting posters throughout the season. Long live the Bullfighting Fiesta with the Fair of the Virgin of the llanos, marine invocation of the Virgin Mary; Patroness of the city of Albacete. At the moment its celebration is celebrated in September. Hellín municipality recognized by its Drum of Holy Week, declared of international tourist interest, also has bulls. Buy your tickets early.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Almería, Roquetas de Mar, Vera, Laujar de Andarax, Huercal Overa, Albox. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Álava. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Asturias. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Burgos. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals in Burgos, Aranda de Duero, Belorado, Roa. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Cáceres. Plasencia, Alcántara, Trujollo, Cáceres and more. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Ciudad Real: Ciudad Real, Alcazar de San Juan, Almodobar del Campo, Almadén, Almagro, Bolaños de Calatrava, Brazatortas, Daimiel, Manzanares, Puertollano, Santa Cruz de Mudela, La Solana, Torralba de Calatrava. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Cuenca: Cuenca, Mota del Cuervo, Motilla del Palancar. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Guipúzcoa. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Huesca. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Jaén: Jaén, Baeza, Alcalá la Real, Andujar, Jódar, Puerta de Segura, Linares, Úbeda, Villacarrillo y Villanueva del Arzobispo. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in León. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals of León, Valencia de Don Juan, Astorga. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Murcia. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Navarra. Pamplona, San Fermin-encierros, bulls run, Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Palencia. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Palma de Mallorca. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Pontevedra. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Salamanca. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Segovia. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Soria. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Teruel, Alcañiz, Calanda, Cella and Santa Eulalia del Campo. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Vizcaya, Bilbao. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
Official ticket sales for all bullrings in Zamora. Fast and secure online ordering. Immediate information of all the Bullfighting Festivals. A virtual store with the most powerful technology and design of the sector. Easy navigation, transactions with high security and confidentiality of data.
It was the last bullring where bullfights were held in Catalonia in 2012. The Catalan Parliament after a vote by popular proposal, banned bullfighting on July 28, 2010.
The Lion King THE TRIBUTE by The ONBEAT Company in the bullrings of Spain. A family show with its own version, narrating the adventures of the king of the jungle with characters from the film such as Simba, Nala, Scar, Timon, Pumba and many more, you will live a unique experience with live voices and an incredible staging.
If you desire more information, please contact us at [email protected] or at 0034 963308593 (call time 8:00-18:00, Monday to Friday)
Servitoro, Official box office of tickets sales at Vera bullring
Guided visit to the bullring, enjoy a unique tour of cultural interest through the alleys, lines, museums ... of the best bullring in Spain. Spanish culture with more than 80 years of history, outstanding architecture structures. Experience on a day how the bullfighter and the bull feel on their show day.
The route and price varies according to the bullring, ask us.
General information:
Wheelchairs access
Special activities: Flamenco, livestock ...
Closure of visit 3 hours before the start of the celebration.
If you need more information you can contact us by email [email protected] or by calling 963308593 Monday-Friday 9:00 - 20:00.
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To access the bullring, you must print the PDF TICKET, access with purchase invoice is not allowed. If you don't see our mail, check all your inboxes (also SPAM).Bullfight tickets Alcalá la Real 2025. Buy your tickets to Alcalá la Real bullring. Order your advance...
Bullfight tickets León. Order your advance tickets for León bullring, as soon we have posters and official prices...
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