David Castro González Luguillano View larger

David Castro González Luguillano

Buy your bullfight tickets to see David Castro González Luguillano in all fairs and bullrings where David Castro González Luguillano fight this season . Official sale of bullfight tickets.

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Bullfighter David Castro González

David Luguillano

Date of Birth: Born in Valladolid on June 5th, 1969.

Debut with picks: Del Campo (Valladolid) on January 9th, 1984 on a poster completed with Jorge Manuel Luguillano and steers Carmen Lorenzo Carrasco.

Debut Las Ventas: In the bullring of Las Ventas (Madrid) on June 4th, 1987 in a poster with Rafael de la Viña and steers of Martin Peñato.

Alternative: Valladolid sharing the stage with Dominguez and Roberto Ortega Cano with bulls Guateles on May 13th, 1990.

Confirmation in Madrid on september 1st, 1991 in poster beside to José María Manzanares and César Rincón with Sepúlveda´s bulls.

In the world of bullfighting is known by her stage name of "Luguillano", a name he inherited from his father, also a bullfighter Castro Santiago Sanz. They also dress in the costume of their family saga older brother Jorge Castro González and uncles Clemente Castro and Santiago Sanz.