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La Castilleja

Bullfight La Castilleja.– Bullfighting Bulls – All the information about cattle firms, Owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bull fighting events with bulls from La Castilleja. Ranch.

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Bulls La Castilleja

Owner: D. Antonio García Galán Trinidad, 7 14200 PEÑARROYA-PUEBLONUEVO (Córdoba)

Badge: Blue and pink.

Acronym: UDW

Ear signal: Hoja de higuera en la derecha y muesca en la izquierda.[hojadehiguera][muesca]

Cattle farm: 'La Castilleja'14200 PEÑARROYA-PUEBLONUEVO (Córdoba).

History: Founded in 1898 by Don Celso Adalid Pellón with cattle, Conradi and Ibarra. In 1908 it was sold to Don Genaro Lopez Quijano and east to Don Jose de la Cova, who in 1930 rose to a cows from Urquijo and a stud of Count Court. In 1941 he acquired a lot of female Villamarta. In 1946 split into two lots, one corresponding to Don Jose de la Cova Benjumea, which put new iron. In 1952 he added a lot of Arruza, from Philip Bartholomew and Don Joaquín Buendía, and in 1953 a stallion Don and Don Tulio Vasquez Isaiah. In 1978 livestock is reduced and is acquired by Messrs. Moran and Gómez García Galán, being, since 1981 the first and only owner and announcing "The Castilleja". In 1982 eliminates the above and to Mr. Martinez takes a lot of cattle Elizondo from Urquijo and another of the same origin to Mr. Martinez Uranga.