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Bullfight Passanha.– Bullfighting Bulls – All the information about cattle firms, Owner, insignia, farms, acronym and history. Buy your tickets for all bull fighting events with bulls from Passanha. Ranch.

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Bulls Passanha

Owner: D. Joao Maldonado Passanha Rua Badge: Red and Gold

Badge: Red and Blue

Acronym: UGY

Ear signal: “Orejisano” without signal

Cattle farm: Monte do Pina (Portugal).

History: In 1918 Doña Lorenza Cortés inherited from Don Vicente Cortés García, was increased with cattle Don Nicasio Navalón López, Doña María Sánchez source before Trespalacios. It was sold in 1965 to the Countess of the Watchtowers, which in 1970 sold it to Don Luis Passanha, which eliminated these cattle and acquired other heirs of Don Diego Passanha, origin Urquijo, who inherited his father Don Diego Francisco d'Affonseca Passanha. In 1993 livestock passes to Don Joâo Maldonado Passanha. The initial seniority is lost, for in 1971 the iron and badge were changed to the current forms.