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Top ten Bullfighters
Top ten Bullrings
Top ten Farms
Published : 2024-06-08 15:38:47
Categories : Breaking News
Madrid is counting the hours for the celebration of the Charity Bullfight, the most important of all the bullfighting events of the season, along with the Resurrection Sunday in Seville. And Fernando Adrian, who will be announced this day for the second consecutive year, will enter the list of Madrid bullfighters throughout history who have been part of this celebration more than once.
This is a cast of Madrid natives led by Julian Lopez “El Juli”, the local matador who has most often walked the paseíllo on this emblematic date, as he has fought eight times in this celebration. After him, stand out names for history such as Joselito, José Tomás or Miguel Abellán. And the case of José Miguel Arroyo is fully curious with this bullfight, since it resembles what happened with Adrian this season; three decades ago, Joselito was left out of the San Isidro Fair after not reaching an agreement with the company, and fought the Charity bullfight that year.
Interestingly, the same thing has happened with Fernando Adrian this season, who has been the great absence of San Isidro after opening the Big Door of Madrid twice consecutively last season, and will also fight the Charity just like Joselito did three decades ago.
That double hit in Venteño last year made him enter a fortnight of bullfights in the main fairs, and in all he came out on shoulders - he already adds 21 consecutive big doors in total, seven of them in first and second squares-. Now he is announced in what has been considered along with Resurrection the most important bullfight of the season, in this case walking the paseíllo next to Castella and a substitute for Morante with bulls from Garcigrande.
· YEAR 1993- Joselito, solo with bulls of different irons (after being left out of the San Isidro Fair).
· YEAR 1994- Torrestrella bulls for the rejoneadores Luis and Antonio Domecq, and Samuel Flores for foot lidia, for Miguel Rodríguez, Javier Vázquez and Pepín Liria
· YEAR 1995- Sepúlveda bulls for César Rincón and Enrique Ponce, hand in hand.
· YEAR 1996- Torrestrella bulls for Curro Romero, Luis Francisco Esplá and Pepín Liria YEAR 1997- Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq, Victoriano del Río and Las Ramblas for Joselito and Francisco Rivera Ordóñez, hand in hand
· YEAR 1998- Victorino Martín bulls for Manuel Caballero, solo. YEAR 1999- El Pilar bulls for Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, César Rincón, José Tomás and Miguel Abellán
· YEAR 2000- Victoriano del Río bulls for Morante de la Puebla, Manuel Caballero and El Juli YEAR 2001- Victorino Martín bulls for Luis Miguel Encabo, Alberto Ramírez and Rafael de Julia
· YEAR 2002- Núñez del Cuvillo bulls for Manuel Caballero, José Tomás and Morante de la Puebla.
· YEAR 2003- Samuel Flores bulls for Enrique Ponce, El Califa and Uceda Leal
· YEAR 2004- Alcurrucén bulls for El Cid, Serafín Marín and Matías Tejela Y
· YEAR 2005- Samuel Flores bulls for Miguel Abellán, Manuel Jesús “El Cid” and Antón Cortés YEAR 2006- Jandilla bulls for César Rincón, El Cid and Sebastián Castella
· YEAR 2007- Morante, solo with bulls of different ranchs
· YEAR 2008- Valdefresno and Victoriano del Río bulls for Juan José Padilla, Morante de la Puebla and Sebastián Castella
· YEAR 2009- Victoriano del Río and Garcigrande bulls for El Juli, José María Manzanares and Miguel Ángel Perera
· YEAR 2010- Núñez del Cuvillo bulls for Morante de la Puebla, Cayetano and Daniel Luque
· YEAR 2011- Victoriano del Río bulls for Juan Mora, Morante de la Puebla and El Juli
· YEAR 2012- Núñez del Cuvillo bulls for Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante
· YEAR 2013- Valdefresno bulls for Morante de la Puebla, Juan José Padilla and Sebastián Castella
· YEAR 2014- Alcurrucén bulls for El Juli, Iván Fandiño and Alejandro Talavante
· YEAR 2015- Victoriano del Río bulls for El Juli and Perera
· YEAR 2016- Victoriano del Río bulls for Sebastián Castella, José María Manzanares and López Simón
· YEAR 2017- Victoriano del Río bulls for El Juli, José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante
· YEAR 2018- Alcurrucén bulls for Antonio Ferrera, Miguel Ángel Perera and Ginés Marín
· YEAR 2019- Los Espartales and Núñez del Cuvillo bulls for Diego Ventura, El Juli and Diego Urdiales
· YEAR 2020- Suspended due to the pandemic.
· YEAR 2021- Suspended due to the pandemic.
· YEAR 2022- Alcurrucén bulls for Morante de la Puebla, El Juli and Ginés Marín
· YEAR 2023- Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq, Daniel Ruiz and Victoriano del Río for Sebastián Castella, Emilio de Justo and Fernando Adrián
· YEAR 2024- Garcigrande bulls for a substitute for Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Fernando Adrián