Valladolid presents its Fair

Published : 2019-08-19 00:00:00
Categories : Programs and fairs

Valladolid presents its Fair

Six bullfights in September in honor of the Virgin of San Lorenzo

The Castilian-Leonese capital will live its Bullfighting Fair from September 10 to 15. A steer-bullfight, four bullfights and one more with horses compose the payment of the expected serial.

The double of Roca Rey, the presence of winners of the season and the farewell of El Cid of the Valladolid fans are some of the attractions of the Fair of the Virgin of San Lorenzo. These are the combinations:

  • · Tuesday, September 10; Torrealba steers for Marcos, Antonio Grande and Fernando Plaza.
  • · Wednesday 11; bulls from Hnos. García Jiménez for El Fandi, José María Manzanares and Roca Rey.
  • · Thursday 12; Garcigrande-Domingo Hernández bulls for Enrique Ponce, El Juli and Pablo Aguado.
  • · Friday 13; bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq for Morante de la Puebla, Perera and Roca Rey.
  • · Saturday 14; El Pilar bulls for El Cid, López Simón and Ginés Marín.
  • · Sunday 15; Ruferser's bulls for the horse-bullfighters Andy Cartagena, Sergio Galán and Diego Ventura.

Valladolid Bullfighting Fair