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Top ten Bullfighters
Top ten Bullrings
Top ten Farms
Published : 2018-12-12 00:00:00
Categories : Madrid
The management company Plaza 1 has presented the statistical report of what has been 2018 in the Madrid bullring.
937,928 is the total number of spectators who have attended the festivities that have been held in Las Ventas from March 25 to October 14: a total of 40 bullfights, 21 novilladas, 5 corridas de rejones. And 19,500 more to the 4 popular festivities.
416 bulls fought, of which 38% were ovated and 18 were returned, 8 bulls and 10 young bulls.
10 Puertas Grandes starring Álvaro Lorenzo, Alejandro Talavante, Sebastián Castella and Diego Urdiales with two ears; López Simón and Emilio de Justo with one and one; and Diego Ventura with his historic tail and two more afternoons.
These are some of the figures of the report that you can consult in full.