Hermoso de Mendoza's Puerta Grande in Zaragoza

Published : 2017-10-13 00:00:00
Categories : Toreros

The Navarrese rejoneador left La Misericordia on the shoulders of the bullfighter after the second bull was unbored.

Yesterday, the bullfighting bullfight put an end to the Feria del Pilar in Zaragoza. A bullfight of good play by Fermín Bohórquez allowed the three bullfighters to shine: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Léa Vicens and Mario Pérez Langa.

Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza was silenced with his first bull for failing with the rejón de muerte. The second of his lot was injured and was sent back. The first sobrero, of the same brand, was in good condition. He was able to ride "Disparate" and he did not fail with the rejón de muerte; he was fulminant and got the two ears.

Léa Vicens with "Bazuka" or "Gacela" did her best, but the failure with the steel left her reward in two ovations with salutes. Likewise, the Aragonese Pérez-Langa gave a recital especially with his horses "Fandiño" and "Guapete", and once again the bad use of the "rejón de muerte" deprived him of trophies.